
Sure, some of us here at BoFN may be a bit too invested in the lives of fictional characters (amb, we’re looking at you!) but since all of us are invested in making you laugh, we decided to have a little fun with our own “cast of characters”. Watch the video below to find out what happens when the worlds of “Friends” and “Funny Names” collide!


“Friends” meets “The Blog of Funny Names” from Amber Lavitt on Vimeo.

The Cast


Dave co-founded the Blog of Funny Names with his friend Arto, and spends his days as a pre-med student and part-time MCAT instructor. He spends his days as a medical student and part-time MCAT instructor. He makes up for his humdrum name by writing more posts than any other funny names blogger out there. In his spare time, he enjoys boxing, designing MCAT courses, and flirting with Amber over the internet. Some day, he will probably get too busy to partake in some of these things, but not today…


Arto co-founded this blog several years after becoming a contributor to the original funny names list, which began in 2006. He works as a jack-of-all-trades, making films for a local scuba equipment company, translating things between his many languages, and doing odd but awesome jobs like being a ghostwriter and editor of non-fiction books.  He met Dave at the University of Calgary in 2005, and they later bonded over indie music and making fun of Ed Belfour. Dave’s ex-girlfriend, to whom he introduced Arto, is now Arto’s wife, and they live happily in San Diego, CA with their two cats, Jackson Miff and Pepper NotJules. Arto spends every day scheming how to repay his karmic debt to Dave…


Rob, who Dave considers his “little brother,” but who exceeds him in nearly every capacity – height, weight, earning power, and knowledge of baseball and pro wrestling history, became the blog’s third regular columnist in spring 2012. When he’s not too busy with his crazy job as a litigation consultant in the Los Angeles area, he posts on the Blog of Funny Names every Wednesday, often about baseball-related figures. He also enjoys watching TV like an old person – counting Matlock and The Price is Right among his favorites. Back in 2006, a conversation between Dave and Rob about funny names for walking styles, and then later funny baseball-related names, spawned the list that later led to this blog. Rob secretly harbors a dream of becoming wealthy enough to buy the San Diego Padres so that they don’t suck anymore…


Mad Mark Sackler is a true-blue funny names lover, himself compiling a list of funny baseball names decades before this blog’s founders decided to do the same. Mark could have been a funny names blogger before blogs even existed. He writes spectacular prose (and fascinating interpretations of everyday life) over at his blog Millenium Conjectures, and lives out in lovely Connecticut with his veterinarian wife and their three dogs. When not busy being awesome online, Mark spends his time selling awesome scientific instruments offline. Just don’t tell him you’re a Red Sox or Patriots fan! 🙂


Amber has been swooning over Dave ever since a fateful day in June, 2012, and she’s been admiring the wit and brains of all three of the BoFN boys’ posts for even longer. One guest post, 120 blog comments, and one very special Funny Names Theory later, Amber is thrilled to be making her relationship with the boys official and posting about funny-named folks in entertainment. Aside from being their resident pop-culture-vulture, she’s also the group’s Canadian correspondent. Which means that when she’s not writing for Corporate World, volunteering with the National Ballet, or declaring Dave the “Jeff Winger of her blogsphere,” Amber is busy exchanging maple syrup recipes with Mailman.


Tracy Perkins’ alter ego, Fannie Cranium, was formed at the suggestion of her husband. She somehow ended up on the intersections of “Erma Bombeck” Avenue and “I Love Lucy” Way with Fannie Cranium’s Guide to Irreverent Wisdom. She loves funny names having been raised by two parents with funny names but who will remain nameless in case they ever read this. During the day Tracy works with her husband as a Manufacturer’s Representative, but at night it wasn’t enough to write about Fannie’s adventures. After getting hooked on the BoFN, she wanted to write about people and places with great names as well. Tracy and her husband reside on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. “By the way, we’ve been to Forks, but haven’t met any vampires. . .yet.”


Liz has loved all things food for a very long time. (She loves funny names, too, but only since she started reading The Blog of Funny Names in 2012.) She loves food so much she writes about it as well as develops, tests, and edits recipes for a living. (Check out her deLizious website and facebook page for more on that.) She’s momma to two little girlies and lives with her fam in Saint Paul, Minnesota. You can find out more about Liz and her love affair with food at foodforfun.


Mailman met both Dave and Arto during the year they spent together as college dorm floormates. The day she  wrote her first post, we set the still-standing record for the most hits this blog has ever generated in a single day: 5,157. Dave decided she must be a lucky charm, and spent six months badgering her to post again. It was a risky gambit: one wrong move and an angry Mailman (something the 80’s told us to avoid) could leverage her powerful connections and exterminate this blog as we knew it. But alas, Mailman returned in a fit of glory, with plans to share her brilliance with us more regularly! She spends her days doing fancy-sounding things in Washington, DC while trying not to let the nature of Washington corrupt her pure Canadian farmgirl heart. She enjoys maple leaves, maple syrup, hockey, Canadian music, the Edmonton Oilers, Canadian embassies, and defying Canadian stereotypes (obviously)…


wdydfae, who once earned the name Silvestre Bad*ss from a name generator, can usually be found somewhere in the Far East. He started his What Do You Do for an Encore? blog around the beginning of 2013, and soon thereafter discovered The Blog of Funny Names by following a “like” star from Dave on one of its earliests posts. A creepily unwholesome hero worship of Dave soon developed, though we are happy to report it has not degraded to the level of derangement portrayed by DeNiro in King of Comedy. Meanwhile, wdydfae also wormed his way into needy, demanding friendships with Amb and Liz, no doubt by taking advantage of their affable and compassionate natures. wdydfae was invited onto the BoFN team mainly because, in the words of an undisclosed source at BoFN, “(Sigh) There’s just nothing else left to do about him.” His contributions to the blog can be considered a cry for help, though that is somewhat controversial since the general consensus is that he is beyond help. We ask for readers’ understanding.


Kerbey is a Texas girl whose head is filled with song lyrics and pop culture. Lately, however, she has been going to the pantry and forgetting what she was looking for.  (Hint: it’s probably Coke or wine…) She is a married stay-at-home mom who only uses her degree to edit song lyrics and bulletins for her church–gratis–so she doesn’t have money to spend on things like smartphones and Netflix and Starbucks. She bonded with Liz over 80s songs and the fact that she enjoys Tom Selleck to the same extent that Liz does not. In a very amb manner, she has been swooning over Tom since Magnum P.I. Kerbey spent her childhood with both a curious first name, as well as surname, so she is always excited when others have been burdened by their parents with ridiculous names as well. If you ever find her posts unremarkable, remember that her back continually causes her pain and she can no longer rollerskate to the “You Dropped A Bomb On Me” routine at the rink, so it is a miracle she made it to the keyboard at all.

Another Mark

Mark Bialczak is a New Yorker — well, he lives in Syracuse, but upstate counts, he swears — who in his 29 1/2 years  working at what he likes to call the “big daily”  covered sports and music. Now he’s a freelancer who writes for two Syracuse media sites. For, he reviews a just-out movie each week and writes a column about film news. For he comments about events and issues that impact upon his community. Mark shares the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood home they call the Little Bitty with his dear wife Karen and Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle. At, he throws all of this dangerous knowledge in with photos he takes with his iPhone or iPad,  stirs with a golf club or garden hoe, and posts every day. While watching much pro sports on his flat screen, he proves he is  New Yawker born in Brooklyn and raised on Lawn Guyland by rooting for the Mets, Jets and Islanders. College sports-wise, he pulls for the tuition checks with his mad devotion for the Maryland Terrapins and football season-ticket checks with a tad less passion for the Syracuse Orange.

19 Responses to Contributors

  1. Pingback: Ethel Merman, A Belter From Broadway | The Blog of Funny Names

  2. Deborah says:

    i love this. it’s hilarious!

    • amb says:

      Poor me. Forced to scour the internet for funny Friends clips … all in the name of “research” of course. Not like I’d do that on my own time anyway, or anything 😉

      Glad you enjoyed!

  3. Mailman says:

    Amb – awesome job on the video! Not sure if Dave passed my praise on, but I loved it. AND I have previously been told I bore resemblance to Reese Witherspoon, so it was more perfect than you even knew 🙂

    • Dave says:

      How am I supposed to know what you look like if you don’t have a picture in your profile?! 😉 That odd green and white tapestry bears no resemblance whatsoever to Ms. Witherspoon (funny name, by the way… it’s great when you realize a familiar name is actually ridiculous when you break it down) 🙂

    • amb says:

      Yay! I’m so glad. So much fun when my ridiculous television habits can entertain other folks, too 🙂

  4. Pingback: Funny Names in the News Volume 28: A Very Special Cross-Over Edition! | The Blog of Funny Names

  5. Liz says:

    just realized this was up–way to go, amb:-) And thanks. Are you sure you have a full-time job? How could you possibly have time for anything other than blogging and making Friends-themed videos?

    • amb says:

      … and the TV! Don’t forget all the TV! teeheehee. It helps that I have two monitors on my desk at work. Lets me multitask like it’s my job 🙂

  6. Pingback: Sara Beth Bareilles | The Blog of Funny Names

  7. Pingback: Blog-iversary Countdown: Top Five BoFN posts | words become superfluous

  8. Ken Bere says:

    I have been compiling funny names since 1977 with my introduction to Farouk Yusef.
    How do I share the list with you all? Ken

    • Dave says:

      Hi Ken, I’m so sorry we missed this comment! If you’re subscribed to responses, please feel free to come to and hit the “Suggest a Name” link near the top of the page. We’ll then get an email from you and can start a correspondence! Thanks so much for your interest, and we look forward to seeing your list!

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  10. Carol Ferenc says:

    Hey Dave, thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post. You guys are hilarious!

  11. midlifemeg says:

    Oh man, so many new faces! I think it was just four of you when I started reading this. I will have to stay on top of things.

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